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your vehicle charging

Questions about home EV Charging

  • How can I request a quote for my electric car charger installation?

    Our website prices are a guide only, we will provide you with a quote based on your individual requirements. Please contact us to get started.

  • Why should I have a charge point installed at my home?

    It is convenient and efficient, simply connect your wall box to your car overnight for a full charge and you won't have to worry about needing to disrupt your day to find a charge point. You can also monitor battery levels using our unique mobile app!

    Also for speed, It can take 20+ hours to charge your vehicle with a standard 3-pin 2.3kW plug, while our 7.6kW charger is capable of charging the average vehicle within 8-9 hours!

  • Will my electricity bills be higher if I charge my car at home?

    Yes, you will be using your home electricity to supply the charge to your car, but your bills shouldn't increase by much and if you weigh up electric costs vs. fuel costs, you will be saving money. For example, the cost of running a petrol car can be as high as 20 pence per mile, this can drop to an impressive 5 pence per mile by using an electric vehicle.

    You can also switch to an electric car tariff for your home electricity to save even more money.

  • What are Type 1 and Type 2 chargers? How will I know which type I need?

    Type 1 and Type 2 chargers are the most commonly used connections between the vehicle and the charger for home charging. Type 1 chargers have a five-pin plug and Type 2 chargers have a 7-pin plug.

    Whether you require a Type 1 or Type 2 charger will depend on your vehicle. Type 2 chargers are the most common and these are for vehicles such as Audi, VW, Volvo and BMW. Type 1 chargers are used by manufacturers such as Nissan and Mitsubishi. We can help you with which type of connection you will need during the application process.

  • How do I calculate the length of lead I will need for my home EV charger?

    The length of lead you require will depend on various factors, such as where you will park your car while charging and the location of your wall box charger. The orientation you choose to park in will also need to be taken into consideration, as if you prefer to park on your driveway forwards rather than reversing in, you will require a longer-length cable.

  • How long does an electric vehicle battery last?

    The current prediction is that an electric car battery will last from 10-20 years before needing to be replaced, however most manufacturers currently offer a standard 5-8 years warranty on their electric vehicle batteries. You should have been advised of your specific vehicle's battery warranty at the time of purchase.

  • Can I charge my vehicle in the rain?

    Our charge points are fully weather- and waterproof and it is safe to use them in all weather conditions.

  • What if I move house? Can I take the charger with me?

    If you move house, your charge point can be removed and reinstalled at your new address. This will incur further installation costs.

    However, please note that if you received a grant towards your original installation, you must contact the DVLA to request permission to move the charge point and you must provide information including your new address so that they can update their records.

  • How long is the guarantee for my charger?

    We offer a one-year guarantee from the date of installation. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding your wall box charger.

Final Conclusion

With the continued adoption of electric vehicles by many, the battery technologies and the vehicles themselves are likely to become more energy efficient –traveling longer miles on very short charging.

However, until that technology becomes available and you can install these new stations, you must get your private EV charger for use at home. If these new upgrades are produced, chances are that you will be able to trade them in and get the new, faster chargers.