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Benefits of switching to an electric vehicle

Electric vehicles, otherwise known as EVs, have enjoyed an incredible rise in popularity over recent years with over 234,000 purchased in the UK last year alone. So, if you’re thinking about making the switch, you are not alone.

Before researching the best models or how to complete an installation of electric chargers, you must first familiarise yourself with the benefits of electric vehicles. Aside from confirming whether it is the right choice for you, it should keep you on the road to success when making the switch. 

What are the benefits of switching to an electric car?

Benefits of switching to an electric vehicle.

Electric vehicles have offered some benefits from day one, but their appeal has become far greater in recent times. Here are some of the most attractive aspects: 

EVs help the environment

The most obvious benefit of switching to electric vehicles is that it will reduce your CO2 emissions to zero. Given that the vast majority of people now want to adopt a greener lifestyle, the eco-friendly benefits of EVs are a telling feature. After all, the average UK driver covers an estimated 7,400 miles annually, this is one of the most effective ways to make a positive impact. It’ll also encourage you to make upgrades elsewhere. 

Driving EVs delivers financial savings

When electric vehicles first hit the roads, they were expensive to buy and run. However, they now offer a host of financial savings in the long run. It is suggested that EV owners will spend roughly half of what petrol car drivers do on yearly maintenance, especially now that spare parts and EV mechanics are readily available. Charging an EV with a power EV charger is also a lot cheaper than filling a petrol tank. 

Electric vehicles are convenient

EVs could once only travel a few miles on a single charge but battery tech has significantly improved. Charging EVs was once an inconvenience, but is now a convenient choice thanks to a combination of home EV chargers and a network of over 60,000 public chargers. You can charge the car from the comfort of home and will have more than enough power to handle the school run and round-trip to work. Perfect. 

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Electric vehicles open the door to road-based benefits

The government actively wants drivers to make the switch to electric vehicles as a part of the road to net-zero emissions. Therefore, switching to EVs will open the door to several benefits, such as no road tax and zero congestion charges in clean air zones (CAZs). In some locations, there are also lanes specifically for electric vehicles while EVs may also benefit from exclusive parking spaces.

Driving EVs is comfortable

Electric cars are comfortable for drivers for many reasons. Firstly, their super quiet operations will benefit drivers and passengers alike. While EVs are becoming more accessible and affordable, the vast majority are equipped with premium quality upholstery and in-cabin tech features. From hatchbacks to SUVs, you will now experience greater luxury than ever before. 

EVs boast superior performance levels

It wasn’t that long ago that electric cars were trailing petrol vehicles in relation to torque and power. In today’s climate, though, many EVs outperform comparable diesel and petrol vehicles. Acceleration times are supported by the fact that energy is efficiently transported due to a smaller amount of moving parts. So, switching to EVs isn’t only great for the environmentalist in you. It’s great for the driving enthusiast too. 

Electric vehicles are futureproof

The shift from combustion engine cars to electric vehicles is well underway, and will only continue to gain pace over the coming years. The great news, however, is that your EV will serve you for years to come. After all, EVs can receive regular software updates while the Installation of electric chargers at home will help you stay up to date with all modernisations set to come. 

EVs are a status symbol

Finally, driving electric vehicles allows you to join an exclusive club of drivers who have shown a genuine desire to do their bit for the planet. Furthermore, they are associated with luxury, not least when combined with home EV charger solutions. A vehicle is one of the biggest assets that you possess, which is why you need to make the right purchase. EVs are a fantastic choice. Now and in the future. 

Who benefits the most from electric vehicles?

Electric vehicles don’t only pose potential benefits for drivers themselves. In truth, there is a long list of potential beneficiaries, including but not limited to;

EVs continue to have a positive impact on society as a whole, not least for individual owners. When combined with a power EV charger, it will transform your approach to driving forever. 

Is it worth switching to an electric car?

Switching from a petrol or diesel car to electric vehicles is a big decision, but there has never been a better time to do it. The technology has already progressed massively since the Tesla Roadster hit the roads in 2008, leading to a greater selection of vehicles and increased affordability. Meanwhile, models released in recent years offer great mileage and a host of performance features on par with traditional vehicles.

While the installation of electric charges in commercial settings has grown rapidly, a home EV charger will make a huge difference. If you crave a safe vehicle that’s also great for the environment and is sure to give you the satisfaction of having made the right decision, electric vehicles are the answer. And now is the perfect time to join the rEVolution.

To find out more about the rewards of driving electric vehicles or how to install a power EV charger, get in touch with our friendly experts today.